Use "took his courage into both hands|take his courage into both hand" in a sentence

1. Take one's courage in both hands. 

2. Both groups should take courage.

3. I take off my hat to his courage.

4. Adelaide took both William and his finances in hand.

5. 18 Taking courage in both hands, I began to steer the fish towards the shingle beach.

6. His conversation evinces great courage.

7. His courage compels universal admiration.

8. Can we have the courage to hold both things?

9. Both steps would require huge courage by the two leaders; both may well flunk.

10. His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.

11. 17 His courage compels universal admiration.

12. His courage and exploits were legendary.

13. He was lauded for his courage.

14. 10 His courage had evaporated away.

15. He was honored for his courage.

16. 18 His courage brought great credit to his regiment.

17. His success showed his magnetism of courage and devotion.

18. His courage and skill compel our admiration.

19. His courage and fortitude inspire me still.

20. His courage/presence of mind deserted him.

21. He thrust his hands into his pockets.

22. He stuffed his hands into his pockets.

23. 1 His courage and exploits were legendary.

24. His speech inspired the soldiers with courage.

25. He has proved his courage in battle.

26. 9 His success showed his magnetism of courage and devotion.

27. Courage, not cowardice, took him there.

28. 8 “Upon catching sight of” his brothers, the account says, “Paul thanked God and took courage.”

29. 14 He has proved his courage in battle.

30. He called up all his reserves of courage.

31. Aron Ralston summons courage to save his life.

32. Maha Bandula looms large in Burmese history for his courage to take on the British.

33. Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.

34. He was honored for his courage in battle.

35. His victory in the arena was as empty as his courage.

36. 49 David thrust his hand into his bag and took a stone from there and slung it.

37. An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

38. His hands pressed down on both her shoulders.sentencedict .com

39. Take Courage as Deliverance Draws Near

40. Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.

41. I admire his courage to do this to himself

42. And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

43. His courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

44. What could Solomon learn about courage from his father?

45. He needs some drink to jack up his courage.

46. The judge was praised for his courage and humanity.

47. His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

48. The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.

49. 24 An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

50. He lowered his head into his hands, fingers rasping whiskers.

51. Instinctively, his hands had closed into fists.

52. Only when we rely on both courage and resourcefulness can we defeat the rival.

53. He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.

54. He hugged them both, settled into his chair, and then with a “whoop!” he took off again with a big smile.

55. He has impressed everyone with his authority and personal Courage

56. Solomon likely learned much about courage from his own father.

57. "You've got to have courage, " he said, thumping his chest.

58. So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, like snow.

59. His courage earned the respect and accolades of American soldiers.

60. Jim needed a small drink to jack up his courage.

61. Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.

62. The commander paid tribute to the courage of his troops.

63. 6 She took gin to bolster up her courage.

64. I think that took a lot of courage, right?

65. He rose to his full height, standing before her with both hands on his sabre.

66. Member of Sergeant Rolin's attack section, was characterized by his courage, his aggressive heat and his abnegation.

67. She thrust the money into his hand.

68. He dipped his hand into the pool.

69. The poor man beat his boss by means of Dutch courage.

70. Finally, with both hands at his sides, he bows his last farewell to the departed.

71. In what respect did King Asa take courage?

72. He spoke into his hand-size transceiver.

73. 3 Solomon likely learned much about courage from his own father.

74. He puts his hand into her sex.

75. The man began to pluck up his courage, and suddenly unslung and bent his bow.

76. Practicing Ahimsa takes courage and skill and challenges us on both a physical and mental level

77. Ario flew into the sky with Salem and Sara on both of his wings.

78. Everyone conspired, took Hitler's capriciousness into his reckonings.

79. His explorations took him into deserts and marshes.

80. Instead, the driver raised his hands, lifted over his head what looked like a gun, and dropped his hands into his lap.